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newBookmarkLockedFalling Doom's Claim
allisunn 2 289 by GENESIS
Jun 6, 2011 15:00:29 GMT -5


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In the distance, mountains loom tantalizingly. The sun flies up, and over them and they hit the horizon, sending the sky into a thousand different shades of pink and yellow, saying hello until it is finally a clear, glossy blue. At the base o the mountains are thousands of caves, mostly uninhabited, but sometimes... not. Plains cover the ground until you almost hit the coast, when there is a stretch of trees from the top of the Terre ot the bottom, yet it is only three miles wide. Out yonder, on the other side of the strip of forest, is the sea. Smooth, yellow sand sits there, and waves crash endlessly on the surface. The Temperature never gets warmer than sixty nine degrees in the summer, and near thirty degrees in the winter. Mountain lions live in a few of the caves lining the mountains, and brown bears have been known to migrate down here, but only to die. There are billions of other creatures who live in Dothraki, although all fall silent at the footstep of him...
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